Looking for the Next Messiah

I stole this phrase from my husband Les, who as an Executive Coach uses it in reference to people looking for easy answers — hoping that the next book, podcast, guru or masterclass will have answers that are already within. Assuming that others have answers that we have not yet uncovered. This is not a criticism — we all want to better ourselves, reach for new heights, learn new approaches, uncover new ideas.

I love reading and thinking about ways that I can improve and grow — personally and in my business. Deep down I know that I already have what I need inside me, but other “experts” might add new perspective and spin things or explain something in exactly the way that I need to hear it for whatever phase or day of the week it happens to be.

When it comes to business, I can spin myself in circles, rethinking and planning and generating new ideas and never taking the time to sit down and do the work to implement them. I love generating new ideas — but I need to make sure my foundation is strong. I have the right team in place. My team is trained. I am strengthening relationships and focusing on current customers instead of always chasing new ones. What is working today, what is not?

In the end, I have to stop reading and thinking and planning and analyzing and dreaming and just sit down to do the freaking work! There needs to be a balance, otherwise I spend all my time adding to the lists on my desk and not accomplishing anything that is on them. Not even having the time to delegate to others and share the load. Not having time to make sure my foundation is strong before I run off to the next idea.

“That which has been is that which will be,
And that which has been done is that which will be done.
So there is nothing new under the sun.”
—    ­Ecclesiastes 1:9


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