Women as Mentors
This is the first blog post I’ve written in awhile. Rather, it’s the first post that I’ve shared in awhile – I’ve written plenty. But I was challenged by a friend recently as to why I’m so reluctant to put myself out there, and it sent me down a rabbit hole, questioning “what is it that holds me back?”, and then deeper still into the concept of women as mentors and positive role models for each other.

Of Course I Know My Customer!
Your business exists because you are providing value to someone else, and they in turn are willing to pay for your product or service. Once you become crystal clear on who your customers are, it becomes much easier to meet their needs, and in turn meet your own business objectives. It is easy to get caught up writing posts on social media, feeling that rush of dopamine when you see the little red hearts on your screen. But are you reaching the right audience? Are they buying more and impacting your bottom line?

Your Business Bestie
What I wished for was a management team, a board of directors, a mentor, advisor or business bestie. Someone to hold me accountable and who I could hash things out with on a very real level.

Is Your Work Aligned With Your Gifts?
By understanding our own areas of genius as well as our areas of frustration, we can design our work to focus more on the things that bring us joy. And by applying these same principles to an entire team, we can each begin to focus more on the things we enjoy AND are good at, rather than simply getting things done.

Why Numbers Matter: Net Income vs EBITDA
While the basics like net income and gross profit are always important, every lender, investor, banker or prospective buyer seems to focus on different metrics in order to determine the business value for their own purposes.

Looking for the Next Messiah
Do you find yourself sometimes looking elsewhere for easy answers — hoping that the next book, podcast, guru or masterclass will have answers that are already within you? Assuming that others have the key that we have not yet uncovered.

Should You Stay or Should You Go?
If you are thinking of working less hours, or maybe planning a year off to travel and focus on new projects — taking the time to plan your exit may allow you to keep the income from your business, while letting your team carry more of the load.

Who is on Your Bus?
Are you hiring people who understand your company values, who fit with the company culture and who are working towards common goals? Clarity from the start. Get the right people in the right seats on your bus!